Paper weight chart lbs to gsm

Social Envelopes

Announcement envelopes, are also called A-style envelopes.
They are ideal for stationery, cards, invitations, photographs, greeting cards, small booklets, etc.



Suggested Enclosure


4.375″ x 5.75″

4.25″ x 5.5″(post cards, note cards)


4.75″ x 6.5″

4.625″ x 6.25″ (notes, 4″x6″ photos)


5.25″ x 7.25″

5.125″ x 7″ (5×7″photo cards, invitations )


5.5″ x 8.125″

5.375″ x 7.875″ (5×8″ cards & invitations)


5.75″ x 8.75″

5.5″ x 8.5″ (greeting cards)


6″ x 9.5″

5.875″ x 9.25″ (invitations, panel cards)

Business Envelopes for Office or Personal Correspondence

In the US, the popular business envelope is the standard #10 Envelope.
It has become popular for both commercial and social designs.
The #10 envelope can hold a tri-fold letterhead or brochure, a 3UP certificate or card

Business Envelope Sizes


Size in inches

Size in millimeters

Suggested Enclosure


No. 6¼

3 1/2 in x 6 in

(3.5″ x 6″)

89 x 152 mm

3.25″ x 5.75″


No. 6¾

3 5/8 in x 6 1/2 in (3.625″ x 6.5″)

92 x 165 mm

3.5″ x 6.25″


No. 8

3 7/8 in x 7 1/2 in (3.875″ x 7.5″)

98 x 190 mm

3.75″ x 7.25″


No. 9

3 7/8 in x 8 7/8 in (3.875″ x 8.875″)

98 x 225 mm

3.75″ x 8.625″


No. 10

4 1/8 in x 9 1/2in (4.125″ x 9.5″)

105 x 241 mm

4″ x 9.25″


No. 11

4 1/2 in x 10 3/8 in (4.5″ x � 10.375″)

114 x 263 mm

4.25″ x 10.125″


No. 12

4 3/4 in x 11 in

(4.75″ x 11″)

120 x 279 mm

4.5″ x 10.75″


No. 14

5 in x 11 1/2 in

(5″ x 11.5″)

127 x 292 mm

4.75″ x 11.25″