If you need to make preparations for a professional or community event, neon paper can be a helpful material when it comes to making attention-grabbing announcements. Typically, office supply stores sell neon paper in reams just like your everyday printer paper. However, you will have a greater selection of colors and paper sizes when shopping online. At online stores like TheRoyalStore.com, you’ll find an assortment of fluorescent neon paper as well as other neon-colored items (like poster board) that are great products to use for events.
Buy Neon PaperNeon paper is an excellent type of paper for making inexpensive flyers, brochures, and information signs at large-scale events. And because of the color variety it also makes a great addition to school and arts and crafts projects. The neon paper at TheRoyalStore.com comes in packs of fluorescent pink, orange, and red as well as in color variety packs that include fluorescent green and yellow. You can choose between the standard laser paper or the neon sign board. Sign board is a thicker and more durable paper that can be used standalone or with a display board project. Try mixing and matching colors to give your project a vibrant and engaging appearance!
Fluorescent neon paper or sign board works great as a poster board component because contrasting neon colors are easily seen from a distance. You can add visual interest to presentations, such as that for a science fair project, by using neon paper to highlight different parts of your board. You can also spruce up a sign for an event like a career fair by printing the company name on neon paper. In doing so, interested viewers could easily locate the booth in a crowded environment. Furthermore, neon paper is perfect for creating holiday-related displays and documents. If you’re having a bake sale or a charity fundraiser, draw folks to your table by creating some festive neon paper flyers to give participants a clear idea about the goals of your event.
Try using neon paper in your next project, along with Royal Brites® poster board, foam board, or other board supplies to make a memorable display.
Appreciate your thoughts about neon paper. Truly it is amazing!
Apparently, neon paper is the superhero of the paper world. Faster than your printer, more dazzling than a disco ball—this blog convinced me that my signs need to scream, ‘Look at me, I’m here to party!’ Neon paper: because subtlety is overrated in the world of signs and flyers!