In a world where violence is the norm, Martin Luther King Jr. promoted non-violent civil disobedience to conquer the inequalities of the United States at the time.
His efforts helped turn the tide and make the United States a more just place for all. For over 20 years we have celebrated Martin Luther King Junior’s role in the civil rights movement.
A great way to honor Martin Luther King and his accomplishments is by displaying a poster in his name –made especially easy by iClicknPrint!
Here is the recipe for a stunning poster that will wow and inform your students and staff:
- Royal Brites Posterboard
Log on to www.iclicknprint.net to access tons of free templates
- Design your posterboard with your own images or images provided by iclicknprint
- Add some of MLK’s most powerful quotes
- Print it out, put it together, and paste on your posterboard
It’s as easy as that! Need help? Check out the Designing Posterboard Demo Video for ideas and help navigating the website.
Now you can display your poster in the classroom or office and teach your students and staff about the importance of MLK’s work. After all, aren’t we a better society because of his efforts?
Check our blog often for great ideas in the office, classroom, and home!