Happy Name Tag Day

Did you know that March 9, is the Name Tag Day? In 1997, Jerry Hill, American onomatology hobbyist started the Name Tag Day initiative. Every year, on this day, we are encouraged to think about the names we were given and celebrate them as important components of our identity.

Name Tag Day cards iclicknprint
Name Tag Day cards iclicknprint

A human being’s name is a principle component of his person, perhaps a piece of his soul – Sigmund Freud

Many researchers have investigated possible links between an individual’s name and their academic performance, behavior in terms of choice of profession, product brands, place to live, etc. Some of the conclusions have been interesting and even controversial. Some researchers argued that people are inclined to choose a spouse among partners whose names begin with the same letter. In that logic, someone named Mike will be more likely to marry someone named Mary than, say, someone named Jessica.

Other researchers have demonstrated the effects of name-signaling i.e. what names say about ethnicity, religion, social and economic background on aspects such as treatment by teachers in school or possible employers during a recruitment process. To put it briefly, our names “speak” a lot about where we come from and can trigger conscious or unconscious biased treatment.

To have some fun on this day, the IClicknPrint team is happy to share an idea for a game you can play with your family, friends, work colleagues or students.

Play the Name Game with IClicknPrint!

Make a note of the 10 most popular male names and 10 most popular female names – choose from the list of the most popular American names in the last 100 years. Print each of the twenty names on cards – we recommend using Geographics Business Cards. Using IClicknPrint Design Center, you can also add graphic elements, special fonts and Clip art. You can also use Free Word templates for cards. Search the web to look up the meaning of each of the twenty names and print each meaning on a separate set of cards.

To play the game, divide the players into two teams and give each team 10 name cards along with the cards containing the meaning of each name. The team that matches the most names to the appropriate meaning wins. For extra thrills, you can also time them.

Have Fun!

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