You may wonder if there is a connection between award certificates and happiness. We kicked-off this week with International Day of Happiness and it got us thinking about what makes people happy. Regardless of what people might say when asked what makes them happy, there is now an abundance of studies linking happiness with gratitude.
For example, psychology researcher Robert Emmons showed that expressing gratitude positively impacts our social performance but also our health – he found that people who regularly list things they are grateful for are more self-confident, more active and respond better to stress.
Actively and consciously looking at things we are grateful for helps us feel less frustrated, more positive while also helping us stay open and improving our relationships with others. With our love of both paper and creativity, we think that a good way to show gratitude is using award certificates. Recognizing someone’s merits is a way of saying thank you for your work, or for who you are.
Buy Awards & DiplomasHow to show gratitude and build up your happiness muscles
Use certificates to show appreciation for the important people in your life
Start a tradition of family awards, award your children for being hard working, improving a skill or overcoming a fear. TheRoyalStore.com offers a great selection of Printable Award Certificates and Seals you can use along with many Templates, Clip Art and Wording. Kids can award their grandparents or parents. Think about giving the Best Mom Award on Mother’s Day or the Best Dad Award for Father’s Day.
Don’t be shy to practice gratitude in the office
Start a gratitude journal
So, make gratitude a daily habit and take advantage of its results.