Foam Board Use

Creative Uses for Foam Board Sheets: Perfect for Projects, Parties & More!

A foam board sheet has a great for a variety of functions, from school projects to party decorations. Lightweight and durable, it is incredibly easy to carry from place to place. offers a great selection of foam boards in many different colors and sizes, so that you can find the right one that you need for your home, school or office project.

Foam Board Cork White Royal Brites
Foam Board Cork White Royal Brites
Project Board Royal Brites USA
Project Board Royal Brites USA
Gridboard Foam Board black Royal Brites
Gridboard Foam Board black Royal Brites


The great thing about foam boards is that they allow for the easy attachment of all types of decorations.  Not just pictures, but streamers, wire Check out our pretty paper doilies and other types of materials can be pinned onto their foam surfaces.  Anyone can create a unique, 3D-looking display that visually pops out of whatever setting you place it in.

This makes foam boards perfect for use in school projects and presentations.
A gridboard foam board foam board features light grid lines that stay invisible from a distance but help align text and images precisely, allowing it to work just as well as a Science-Fair-Project-Board.
Consider a project board for artwork displays and science fair presentations. You can intersperse the paper charts and diagrams you have put on the board with mini pop-out models. For a kid’s science project, cut several differently-sized foam balls in half and glue them to a foam board surface to create a model of the solar system.  Deciding to use a foam board can increase the number of ideas you come up with for projects. Therefore, by showcasing your unique ideas, you can easily impress both teachers and peers with your creativity.

Transform Your Party Decor with Creative Foam Board Displays!

Using foam boards as party decorations is also a great idea.  If you are throwing a holiday party, you can pair themed cards & Invitations and organize them by family name, placing them in envelopes glued onto the foam board.
Get printable design paper with ready made pre-printed designs or use inkjet photo paper for an easy homemade wall or table decoration.
You can also use foam boards to create beautiful displays for special occasions, such as Sweet Sixteen celebrations and weddings. Make the displays interactive by leaving big spaces between the pictures of the birthday girl or couple, so guests can write messages on them.

Check out the Foam Board and accessories offerings at Theroyalstore!

Use IClicknPrint for Your Projects!

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