Whether you are planning to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart or go the alternate route of Singles Day (China) or Friend’s Day (Finland), celebrations are in order during this time of the year and we all want to be prepared. While chocolates and small gifts are a still a good idea, nothing says ‘I love you’ more than well-chosen greeting card. Over 1 billion cards are exchanged every year in US alone. If you are a history buff with a penchant for romantic twists, you might already know that the habit of writing and sending cards goes back to Roman times and is tied to the name of Bishop Valentine, a priest who went against orders given by Emperor Claudius II not to perform weddings during wartime. For this, Valentine was imprisoned and executed. From prison, he wrote to his jailer’s daughter, Julia, and signed his notes “from Valentine”.
This year, inspired by Valentine’s story, you might want to mix and match by creating and sending your own personalized note cards along with your ready-made greeting cards. Share them all with your loved ones – sweetheart, family, friends or favorite teacher. An interesting fact is that over nine million people buy gifts for their pets on Valentine’s Day. They are the only ones who do not need a greeting card.
If you are good at making art, use Geographics® blank white matte greeting cards (inkjet laser printable) or the matte-glossy photo paper. TheRoyalStore.com offers free Valentine’s day clip art and suggested wording, including poems and quotes.

If you think you’re not good at making art, remember that there is beauty and elegance in simplicity so why not give it a try? For example, we recommend using our good quality, rose scroll invitations and envelopes to send as a handwritten invitation for a romantic dinner or night out. If you feel like saying more, our rose themed design paper would be a great backdrop for a poem or love letter.
Make sure to come back for our next Valentine’s Day blog post as we plan on thoroughly discussing chocolates and how it can take you one step closer to happiness.
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