Royal Lace® Doily Crafts

craft // your own
Baby Basket
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Buy NowMaterials Needed:
- Glue gun
- Tweezers
- Pin backs
- Barrette backs
- 1 Spool jewelry making wire
- 1 Jar Acrylic sealer
- 1 Gold Royal Lace® heart doily
- 1 4” Royal Lace® Medallion doily
- 8″x10” purple foil paper
- 6″ Gold rick rack
- 1/2 yard 1/8” satin ribbon
- Assorted pearls
- Purple foil twisted craft paper
- Fold gold foil heart in half and fan fold (from bottom point of heart up to the lop).
- Gather and scrunch center of heart together and secure with a piece of floral wire.
- Cut a 3” length from purple twisted craft paper. Zig-zag cut the ends. Twist in center to create a bow and attach to center of foil heart with glue.
- Tie a 14” piece or 1/8” satin ribbon around center and make an attractive bow.
- String four pearls together with jewelry wire and glue to center of bow.
- Attach barrette to back of creation with glue gun.
- Cut an interesting poster board shape and cover with purple foil. Cut a 2 ½” section. From gold foil 4″ doily and glue to foil shape.
- Loop and glue gold rick rack to shape. Center and glue pearl to front and pin to back center of creation.