It’s that time of year again: time to gear up for another school year! Teachers and parents are on the same team when it comes to figuring out how to best engage and motivate children to not only retain and demonstrate knowledge but also to enjoy learning throughout the year, and iClickn’Print is here to help. Teachers can motivate by using certificates of recognition throughout the year, for everything from achieving the highest test score in the class or showing marked improvement. Every student can be recognized at some point. Parents can lessen homework tensions at home by encouraging their children to create their own uniquely designed projects right on the computer, which makes finishing assignments not only easier but also quicker, allowing for more time devoted to the many aspects of a busy student’s daily life. Students can demonstrate what they’ve learned in flashy, personalized ways using just a few clicks and endless imagination. Make this year start out great and stay exciting with iClickn’Print!

Introduce yourself to your new students in fun, creative ways using personalized stationary, business cards and letterhead. Design your own unique handouts for detailing what the year will bring and demonstrate to your students the creativity you want to have them mirror in the upcoming year. iClickn’Print allows you to create your own personalized certificates for student recognition, so now is a good time to get those ready for upcoming assignments. Simply create the template now and add the names later! Want to create an impressive way for parents to have your contact information? Design your own unique business cards for students to bring home on the first day of school. Do you have your own set of expectations tailored to your classroom? Design and create unique posters for your room detailing whatever you want your students to know. Choose your poster board, add your own pictures and wording and you have the perfect personalized poster for your classroom!
Before you know it, you’ll have class projects to complete, and what better way to do it than with your own designs and ideas! Create personalized tri-folds for class assignments showing off your knowledge (great for math and science projects!) Make your own posters for assignments by using pictures of your choosing uploaded directly to your design and impress your teacher with a great looking project! Design your own handouts for classmates to accompany a speech or presentation. Do you have a book report to hand in during the first week? Design your own creative cover to any report or essay. You’re just a few clicks away from making your school year start out great!
The school year brings with it lots of work for your child. Help make it fun with iClickn’Print! You and your child can design one of a kind posters and projects that will both show what they know and dazzle in appearance at the same time. No longer do we have to hand-draw charts, maps or designs on poster board and spend frustrating hours churning out a quality project. Use iClickn’Print to make high quality, professional projects that are easy for your child to design and create. All it takes is a few clicks, and you can watch your child enjoying their schoolwork and taking pride in what they accomplish. Whether it is handouts for peers, posters for projects or even glossy pages for a report, your child can create whatever they envision, and you can help! It’s easy; it’s quick and it’s enjoyable.