Did you know that each time you sneeze or cough, a cloud of saliva drops forms and it can travel up to six meters, approximately 20 feet?
Before Covid-19, experts used to say that nothing was more effective at limiting the spread of viruses or bacteria than covering your mouth with your hand when you sneezed or you coughed, At the start of Covid, they said that you should sneeze or cough in your elbow – so what when you touch surfaces, shake hands, etc you do not transmit the virus or bacteria that is on your hands. That is why, washing hands with soap or using hand sanitizer is so important.
Let’s explain it a bit:
A recent study by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston. found out that during sneezing or coughing, a person expels a “cloud” made up of gas, hot and humid air, in which saliva drops of various sizes are found in suspension. In these drops there are pathogens that transmit disease.
According to researchers at MIT, the cloud keeps the infectious drops in the air longer than experts thought in the past. They can thus cover an even greater distance than was known, especially the smallest drops. The interaction between the droplets and the gas phase of the cloud makes this possible. In fact, these interactions create a special circulation of droplets within the cloud, which allows it to increase and even change direction.
“Without a cloud, drops larger than 100 micrometers spread up to a maximum of 2 meters, while smaller drops (between 1 and 50 micrometers) would not exceed one meter. But, considering the cloud it forms, we find that large droplets fall first while the small ones can travel up to 6 meters” explains Lydia Bourouiba, author of the study and professor of civil and environmental engineering at MIT, for” Le Figaro ”.
To protect employees and customers, masks and plastic shields have become standard. Both allow people to talk easily, and not worry about the droplets that could spread in the air.
In a store, office or place where many people interact in a proximity, free-standing clear acrylic partitions play the same protective role. They provide a barrier between customers and employees that helps prevent the transmission of viruses, like COVID-19 or other Influenza Viruses.

Managers know that the acrylic partitions get noticed by workers and it makes them feel safer. They feel that they work for people who care about the health of the customers and workers.
Plexiglass partitions are almost everywhere, in grocery stores, at dry cleaners, restaurant pickup windows, in discount stores, and pharmacies. They are CDC Recommended for the reasons explained above. Besides creating a feeling of safety, the the plexiglass barriers can really protect when people may not wear masks or shields.
Grocers were among the first retailers to adopt them without any formal recommendation from the association. Banks, offices of all kind consider these a standard. They are easy to clean and disinfect and can last for a long time.
The Clear Acrylic partitions have the following advantages:
- durability and easy to clean
- repositionable decals and vinyl cut lettering available for your partitions.
- No tools required to install these standard acrylic partitions design
- Custom heights and widths are available to fit your specific location
- Extensive custom capabilities to meet almost any need.
- Available printed or blank
– Imprint Area: 5″H x 29″W

With all said, clear acrylic partitions are ideal for retail checkout counters, banks, pharmacies, medial reception desks and so much more. Order them, today!
To close on the same “cloud” note, research shows that the 100 micrometer droplets, brought by the cloud, cover a distance five times greater than previously thought. The small droplets can travel 5 to 200 times longer.
Sneezing in the form of a cloud increases the risk of the potential spread of disease. This is why wearing masks is essential.
The cloud moves both horizontally and vertically. As the hot and humid air is lighter and moves up, the germs contained in the cloud can contaminate a room pretty quickly. Carried by drafts, they can travel to other rooms. Dr Bourouiba explains that if the germs enter the ventilation systems, they can stay there for a long time. This is why UV lamps are being used now in ventilation systems.