About Royal Lace® Paper Doilies

Royal lace paper doilies

Lacework of the 15th Century Is Simulated

Belgian and French Designs Engraved on Paper Doilies
Article published in The New York Times, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1963.

Reproductions of priceless 15th century France and Belgium, many of them museum pieces, are appearing on 20th century dining room tables these days.
They are in the form of white, gold and silver paper doilies, made through engraving skills rare in this country.
The handiwork of lace-makers of a bygone era is being reproduced in simulated lace for the Royal Lace Paper division of Standard Packaging Corporation by Fred Dittman, former Berlin engraver.
Mr. Dittman has been fashioning intricate cylindrical steel dies for paper dies for Standard Packaging, since 1930.
Engraving, one of the world’s oldest professions, is also a rapidly disappearing art. Only a handful of the craftsmen remain, in this country. Their work is demanding, time-consuming and painstaking.
It takes Fred Dittman from one to five months to complete a single die for turning out doilies, depending on the intricacy of the lace design. Lace is a delicate open-work fabric or network of threads of linen, silk or cotton. To simulate the patterns on paper, a die must be carved both to perforate and to give a plaited-thread texture such as enriches real lace. Chemical processes are used to produce engravings for many purposes, but to make dies that will reproduce on paper historical lace designs from Europe requires skills cutting and embossing by hand.
Mr. Dittman makes and owns as his own tools. The dies he has shaped in the past 30 years, valued at more than $1,000,000 are stacked by the score at Royal Lace’s plant in Fort Wayne, In. Each die produces literally millions of doilies. The paper lace doilies known as “Roylies,” are turned out in square, round, clover, heart and rectangular shapes and in a wide variety of sizes.
They are part of the Standard packaging line of throwaway paper products, which includes napkins, placemats, plastic-coated plates, cups, bowls and tissues. The company’s 28 divisions also make paper, plastic and foil packaging for the food processing industry.

This article was published in The New York Times on MONDAY, MAY 6, 1963.

After so many years, the old Roylies®, now Royal Lace® paper doilies are being manufactured  using the same valuable dies crafted at the beginning of the 20th century by engravers like Fred Dittman.
Royal Lace® doilies remain among the most beautiful lace doilies ever produced.
They have become a historic testimony of the old times’ beauty and refinement.
Call them “antique doilies” or “Royal doilies”.

Royal Lace® and Royal Brites® are brands of Royal Consumer Products, llc, a consumer paper products company owned by Mafcote, Inc.
Mafcote, a 3rd generation of business owners, continues the tradition of the over 100 year old business, giving the US market the best and the most innovative paper products.
Royal Brites® poster board TwoCool® Colors, two different colors in one sheet, is one of the many patented concepts.
Royal Brites®  has launched a new Display Board and Accessories line.

2 thoughts on “About Royal Lace® Paper Doilies

  1. Rebecca Stager says:

    I am so sorry that you no longer manufacture the beautiful French Lace Placemats. I was able to locate one pack through eBay, but so far that’s it for a pack in good shape. I will miss them SO MUCH!

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